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name: "Marcel Breuer and Associates, 635 Madison Ave. New York"   drawing type: "Working/Construction Drawing"    location: "Collegeville, MN USA"   
Results: 31
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Click to select: Construction Set: Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A1-A15, A17-A28)

W., A. (Draftsman) R., S., T. (Draftsman) F., D. (Draftsman) M., J. (Draftsman) L., P. (Draftsman) Gausman and Moore, Inc. (Engineer) Johnston Sahlman Co. (Engineer) Marcel Breuer and Associates, 635 Madison Ave. New York (Architect)

1967-04-11 1967-05-05


Saint John's Campus Center

Click to select: Furniture, Desks, Cabinets Plans (Dwg. Nos. CAB1 - CAB11, T1-T8)

S., S. (Draftsman) S., M. (Draftsman) Marcel Breuer and Associates, 635 Madison Ave. New York (Architect)

1968-02-02 1968-04-10


Saint John's Institute for Ecumenical and Cultural Research

Click to select: Construction Set: Mechanical and Electrical (Dwg. Nos. ME1, E2-E9, M2-M11)

Marcel Breuer and Associates, 635 Madison Ave. New York (Architect) Gausman and Moore, Inc. (Engineer) Johnston Sahlman Co. (Engineer) S., G., R. (Draftsman) K., H. (Draftsman) P., J., K. (Draftsman) R., C., L. (Draftsman) P., A. (Draftsman) Gausman, Glenn, F. (Engineer) Moore, Chester, W. (Engineer)

1966-02-15 1966-04-07


Saint John's Residence Hall II

Click to select: SK Architectural Set ( SK-A-1 - SK-A-19)

B., E., M. (Draftsman) W., C. (Draftsman) R., S., T. (Draftsman) Marcel Breuer and Associates, 635 Madison Ave. New York (Architect) Marcel Breuer and Associates, 201 E. 57th St. (Architect)

1965-06-02 1966-03-


Saint John's Science Building

Click to select: Construction Set: Mechanical and Electrical (Dwg. Nos. ME1, E2-E9, M2-M11)

Marcel Breuer and Associates, 635 Madison Ave. New York (Architect) Gausman and Moore, Inc. (Engineer) Johnston Sahlman Co. (Engineer) W., D., F. (Draftsman) S., G., R. (Draftsman) K., H. (Draftsman) P., J., K. (Draftsman) R., C., L. (Draftsman) P., A. (Draftsman) K., A. (Draftsman)



Saint John's Residence Hall II

Click to select: Construction set: Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A1-A11)

K., S., S. (Draftsman) G., R., F. (Draftsman) V., D. (Draftsman) Johnston Sahlman Co. (Engineer) Gausman and Moore, Inc. (Engineer) Marcel Breuer and Associates, 635 Madison Ave. New York (Architect)

1967-05-01 1967-07-01


Saint John's Institute for Ecumenical and Cultural Research

Click to select: Construction Set: Structural (Dwg Nos. S1-S10)

Marcel Breuer and Associates (Engineer) Marcel Breuer and Associates, 635 Madison Ave. New York (Architect) Johnston Sahlman Co. (Engineer) S., R. (Draftsman) P., J. (Draftsman)



Saint John's Campus Center

Click to select: Construction Set: Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A0-A20)

Johnston Sahlman Co. (Engineer) Gausman and Moore, Inc. (Engineer) Marcel Breuer and Associates, 635 Madison Ave. New York (Architect) S., B., C. (Draftsman) H., J., T. (Draftsman) G., S. (Draftsman) S., B. (Draftsman) V., A., E. (Draftsman) J., M. (Draftsman) M., A. (Draftsman) R., L. (Draftsman) D., N. (Draftsman) F., D. (Draftsman)

1966-01-17 1966-02-15


Saint John's Residence Hall II

Click to select: SK Drawing Set (SK17-Sk18A)

Marcel Breuer and Associates, 635 Madison Ave. New York (Architect)



Saint John's Campus Center

Click to select: Construction Set: Electrical (Dwg Nos. E2-E8)

Marcel Breuer and Associates (Engineer) Marcel Breuer and Associates, 635 Madison Ave. New York (Architect) Johnston Sahlman Co. (Engineer) R., C., L. (Draftsman) P., J., K. (Draftsman)



Saint John's Campus Center

Click to select: Administration Building Chapel Details (Dwg. Nos. F9, F12)

Marcel Breuer and Associates, 635 Madison Ave. New York (Architect)



Saint John's Institute for Ecumenical and Cultural Research

Click to select: Construction Set: Structural (Dwg. Nos. S1-S7)

Johnston Sahlman Co. (Engineer) Gausman and Moore, Inc. (Engineer) Marcel Breuer and Associates, 635 Madison Ave. New York (Architect) P., J., D. (Draftsman) J., M., A. (Draftsman) Johnston, Milan, A. (Engineer)

1966-02-15 1966-04-07


Saint John's Residence Hall II

Click to select: Contruction Set: Architectural (A3-A6)

Gausman and Moore, Inc. (Engineer) Johnston Sahlman Co. (Engineer) Marcel Breuer and Associates, 635 Madison Ave. New York (Architect)

1953 1968


Saint John's Campus Center

Click to select: Construction Set: Mecanical / Electrical (Dwg Nos. M13-M16, E9-E12)

Marcel Breuer and Associates (Engineer) Marcel Breuer and Associates, 635 Madison Ave. New York (Architect) Johnston Sahlman Co. (Engineer)



Saint John's Campus Center

Click to select: Residence Halls II - Site Plan (No. A1)

Marcel Breuer and Associates, 635 Madison Ave. New York (Architect)



Saint John's Abbey and University Complex

Click to select: Campus Center (No. A2)

Marcel Breuer and Associates, 635 Madison Ave. New York (Architect)



Saint John's Abbey and University Complex

Click to select: Window Openings for Blinds

Marcel Breuer and Associates, 635 Madison Ave. New York (Architect)



Saint John's Institute for Ecumenical and Cultural Research

Click to select: Window Openings W-1/W-2/W-3

Marcel Breuer and Associates, 635 Madison Ave. New York (Architect)



Saint John's Institute for Ecumenical and Cultural Research

Click to select: Desks (D-1 and 2 and 3)

Marcel Breuer and Associates, 635 Madison Ave. New York (Architect)



Saint John's Institute for Ecumenical and Cultural Research

Click to select: Furniture Elevations, Sections and Details

Marcel Breuer and Associates, 635 Madison Ave. New York (Architect)

1965 1968


Saint John's Institute for Ecumenical and Cultural Research

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