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name: "Frishman Spyer Associates"   object type: "Project Records"   
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Click to select: Hopes Heating and Engineering Ltd., SubContract. Architects Summary

Frishman Spyer Associates (Associated architect) Frishman Spyer Associates (Author)

1965 1966

Project Records

Torin Corporation (Swindon)

Click to select: List of Defects

Frishman Spyer Associates (Author) Frishman Spyer Associates (Associated architect)


Project Records

Torin Corporation (Swindon)

Click to select: Inspection - 1st May, 1967

Frishman Spyer Associates (Associated architect) Frishman Spyer Associates (Author)


Project Records

Torin Corporation (Swindon)

Click to select: Torrington Manufacturing Company - Greenbridge Industrial Estate Swindon

Frishman Spyer Associates (Associated architect) Frishman Spyer Associates (Author)


Project Records

Torin Corporation (Swindon)

Click to select: Maintenance Period: Interim Inspection

Frishman Spyer Associates (Associated architect) Frishman Spyer Associates (Author)


Project Records

Torin Corporation (Swindon)

Click to select: Record of Site Visit No. 30

Frishman Spyer Associates (Associated architect) Frishman Spyer Associates (Author) Spyer, Geoffrey (Associated architect) Spyer, Geoffrey (Author)


Project Records

Torin Corporation (Swindon)

Click to select: Record of Site Visit No. 12

Frishman Spyer Associates (Associated architect) Frishman Spyer Associates (Author) Spyer, Geoffrey (Associated architect) Spyer, Geoffrey (Author)


Project Records

Torin Corporation (Swindon)

Click to select: Record of Site Visit No. 31

Frishman Spyer Associates (Associated architect) Frishman Spyer Associates (Author) Spyer, Geoffrey (Associated architect) Spyer, Geoffrey (Author)


Project Records

Torin Corporation (Swindon)

Click to select: Record of Site Visit No. 32

Frishman Spyer Associates (Associated architect) Frishman Spyer Associates (Author) Spyer, Geoffrey (Associated architect) Spyer, Geoffrey (Author)


Project Records

Torin Corporation (Swindon)

Click to select: Record of Site Visit No. 33

Frishman Spyer Associates (Associated architect) Frishman Spyer Associates (Author) Spyer, Geoffrey (Associated architect) Spyer, Geoffrey (Author)


Project Records

Torin Corporation (Swindon)

Click to select: Record of Site Visit No. 34

Frishman Spyer Associates (Associated architect) Frishman Spyer Associates (Author) Spyer, Geoffrey (Associated architect) Spyer, Geoffrey (Author)


Project Records

Torin Corporation (Swindon)

Click to select: Record of Site Visit

Frishman Spyer Associates (Associated architect) Frishman Spyer Associates (Author) Spyer, Geoffrey (Associated architect) Spyer, Geoffrey (Author)


Project Records

Torin Corporation (Swindon)

Click to select: Record of Site Visit

Frishman Spyer Associates (Associated architect) Frishman Spyer Associates (Author) Spyer, Geoffrey (Associated architect) Spyer, Geoffrey (Author)


Project Records

Torin Corporation (Swindon)

Click to select: Minutes of Site Meeting

Frishman Spyer Associates (Associated architect) Frishman Spyer Associates (Author) Spyer, Geoffrey (Associated architect) Spyer, Geoffrey (Author)


Project Records

Torin Corporation (Swindon)

Click to select: Record of Site Visit

Frishman Spyer Associates (Associated architect) Frishman Spyer Associates (Author) Spyer, Geoffrey (Associated architect) Spyer, Geoffrey (Author)


Project Records

Torin Corporation (Swindon)

Click to select: Monthly Statement No. 7 and 8

Frishman Spyer Associates (Associated architect) Frishman Spyer Associates (Author)

Torrington Manufacturing Co. (Recipient)


Project Records

Torin Corporation (Swindon)

Click to select: Monthly Statement No. 9 and 10

Frishman Spyer Associates (Associated architect) Frishman Spyer Associates (Author)

Torrington Manufacturing Co. (Recipient)


Project Records

Torin Corporation (Swindon)

Click to select: Monthly Statement No. 11

Frishman Spyer Associates (Associated architect) Frishman Spyer Associates (Author)

Torrington Manufacturing Co. (Recipient)


Project Records

Torin Corporation (Swindon)

Click to select: Statement No. 3

Frishman Spyer Associates (Associated architect) Frishman Spyer Associates (Author)

Torrington Manufacturing Co. (Recipient)


Project Records

Torin Corporation (Swindon)

Click to select: Monthly Statement No. 12

Frishman Spyer Associates (Associated architect) Frishman Spyer Associates (Author)

Torrington Manufacturing Co. (Recipient)


Project Records

Torin Corporation (Swindon)

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