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name: "S. J"   view type: "Interior Perspective"   
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Click to select: Construction Set: Architectural

R., S., T. (Draftsman) J., B. (Draftsman) R., S., T. (Draftsman) U., J., Y. (Draftsman) Ch., N. (Draftsman) Marcel Breuer and Associates, 635 Madison Ave. New York (Architect)

1968 1976


Convent of the Sisters of Divine Providence

Click to select: Construction Set: Architectural

Walter Gropius and Marcel Breuer, Associated Architects (Architect) James A. Mitchell and Dahlen K. Ritchey, Associated Architects (Associated architect) Weil (Draftsman) O., E., W. (Draftsman) S., J., H. (Draftsman) Kennedy, Robert, Woods (Draftsman) Currie, Leonard, J. (Draftsman) S., F. (Draftsman) G., D., W. (Draftsman) W., C., A. (Draftsman) Noyes, Eliot, Fette (Draftsman) Landsberg, William, W. (Draftsman) Stein, Richard, G. (Draftsman) Gibbs, Daniel, W. (Draftsman) Saunders (Draftsman)

1939-04-14 1940-08-29


Frank House

Click to select: Commuter Coach: Working Drawings

Marcel Breuer, Architect, 113 E. 37th St. (Architect) H., D., J. (Draftsman) Beckhard, Herbert (Draftsman) R., J., C. (Draftsman)



New Haven Railroad, Locomotives and Passenger Cars

Click to select: Houses in Martinez, Buenos Aires Suburbs

Vivanco, J. (Architect) Benet, A. (Architect) Peluffo, Valerio (Architect)



Professional Papers

Click to select: Construction Set: Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A1-A25)

Fred S. Dubin Associates (Engineer) Traynor and Hermanson (Architect) Farkas and Barron (Engineer) M., V. (Draftsman) M., H., A. (Draftsman) G., R., F. (Draftsman) A., Y. (Draftsman) M., V., L. (Draftsman) Breuer, Marcel, Lajos (Architect) A., J. (Draftsman) S., J. (Draftsman) S., H. (Draftsman)



Saint John's Monastery Wing

Click to select: Construction Set: Architectural (Title sheet, Dwg. Nos. A1-A63, incomplete)

Marcel Breuer and Associates, 201 E. 57th St. (Architect) Greenleaf Associates, Inc. (Engineer) Cannon Partnership (Engineer) H., A. (Draftsman) Weidlinger, Paul (Engineer) S., I., V. (Draftsman) F., A. (Draftsman) Z., S. (Draftsman) S., W., K. (Draftsman) Y., G. (Draftsman) M., J. (Draftsman) M., K. (Draftsman) V., A., I. (Draftsman) H., R. (Draftsman) P., E. (Draftsman) S., W. (Draftsman) Z., H. (Draftsman) B., M. (Draftsman) S., D. (Draftsman) Y., J. (Draftsman) Sotelo, D. (Draftsman)



State University of New York at Buffalo, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science Buildings Complex

Click to select: SK Drawing Set (No. SK-1 - SK-8D)

Weidlinger Associates (Engineer) P., E. (Draftsman) L., J. (Draftsman) M., J. (Draftsman) Marcel Breuer and Associates, 635 Madison Ave. New York (Architect)

1973-07-15 1973-12-03


State University of New York at Buffalo, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science Buildings Complex