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name: "M., A"   drawing type: "Shop Drawing"    project: "Saint John's Church and Campanile"   
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Click to select: Furniture Design (Dwg. Nos. F1-F33, F35-F39)

S., H. (Draftsman) F., J. (Draftsman) C., R. (Draftsman) M., R. (Draftsman) K., P. (Draftsman) M., V., L. (Draftsman) S., F. (Draftsman) B., V., E. (Draftsman) H., E., W. (Draftsman) K., D. (Draftsman) B., L., D. (Draftsman) M., D. (Draftsman) Marcel Breuer and Associates, 201 E. 57th St. (Architect) Traynor and Hermanson (Associated architect) Wiesenfeld, Hayward and Leon (Engineer) Gausman and Moore, Inc. (Engineer)

1957-04-17 1961-03-02


Saint John's Church and Campanile

Click to select: Lighting Fixtures - Century Lighting, Inc.(Dwg. Nos. 1-6, 8-11, 13, 16, 18-19, 22-29)

S., B., D. (Draftsman) W., P. (Draftsman) R., C. (Draftsman) D., F. (Draftsman) M., S. (Draftsman) L., C. (Draftsman) S., G., K. (Draftsman)

1949-02-25 1958-11-11


Saint John's Church and Campanile