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name: "S., E"   repository: "Syracuse University"   
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Click to select: Acid Diluting Pit

Marcel Breuer and Associates, 201 E. 57th St. (Architect)


New York University, Technology I

Click to select: Architectural Construction Set (A0-A44)

R. (Draftsman) S., C. (Draftsman) B. (Draftsman) S., K. (Draftsman) C., N. (Draftsman) C., H., D. (Draftsman) S., I. (Draftsman) B., K. (Draftsman) P., E. (Draftsman) C., T., T. (Draftsman) P., A. (Draftsman) Weidlinger, Paul (Engineer) P., R. (Draftsman) O., R. (Draftsman) H., C., M. (Draftsman) B., M. (Draftsman) C., N., D. (Draftsman) B., R. (Draftsman) B., W. (Draftsman) Jorge (Draftsman) R., J. (Draftsman) J., B. (Draftsman) NWH Associates Inc. (Engineer) Marcel Breuer and Associates, 635 Madison Ave. New York (Architect)

1969-01-31 1969-11-11

Cleveland Trust Company, Headquarters

Click to select: Bid Sheet

Marcel Breuer and Associates, 201 E. 57th St. (Architect)

1956 1961

New York University, Technology I

Click to select: Construction Details (SK drawings)

Farkas, Barron and Partners (Engineer) Marcel Breuer, Architect, 113 E. 37th St. (Architect)

1954-02-14 1955-11-10

Saint John's Monastery Wing

Click to select: Construction Photograph

Convent of the Sisters of Divine Providence

Click to select: Construction Photograph

Convent of the Sisters of Divine Providence

Click to select: Construction Photograph

Convent of the Sisters of Divine Providence

Click to select: Construction Photograph

Convent of the Sisters of Divine Providence

Click to select: Construction Set

Marcel Breuer, Architect, 113 E. 37th St. (Architect) Spivak, Benjamin, L. (Engineer) Greene, Bernard, F. (Engineer)

1951-07-05 1953-10-06

Sarah Lawrence College, Art Center

Click to select: Construction Set: Boring (Dwg. Nos. B1-B6)

Marcel Breuer and Associates, 201 E. 57th St. (Architect)

1958-04-22 1958-06-09

New York University, Residence Hall

New York University Buildings Complex

Click to select: Datestone for N.Y.U. Gould Technology

Marcel Breuer and Associates, 201 E. 57th St. (Architect)


New York University, Technology I

Click to select: Erdgeschoss Grundriss (No. V3)

Convent of the Sisters of Divine Providence

Click to select: Floor Tables

Marcel Breuer and Associates, 201 E. 57th St. (Architect)

1956 1961

New York University, Technology I

Click to select: House A Preliminary

Marcel Breuer, Architect, 113 E. 37th St. (Architect)

1953-09-23 1953-11-23

Baltimore Garden Apartments

Click to select: House A Preliminary: Sketch Renderings

Marcel Breuer, Architect, 113 E. 37th St. (Architect)


Baltimore Garden Apartments

Click to select: Laboratory Installations Lower Level by G.C.

Marcel Breuer and Associates, 201 E. 57th St. (Architect)

1956 1961

New York University, Technology I

Click to select: Preliminary Schemes (TA-1 and TA-2)

Marcel Breuer and Associates, 201 E. 57th St. (Architect) L., A. (Draftsman)

1960-02-29 1960-05-16

New York University, Technology I

Click to select: Preliminary Site Development

Beckhard, Herbert (Draftsman) Marcel Breuer, Architect, 113 E. 37th St. (Architect)

1953-04-02 1953-04-20

Baltimore Garden Apartments

Click to select: Preliminary Site Development

Marcel Breuer, Architect, 113 E. 37th St. (Architect) Beckhard, Herbert (Draftsman) Landsberg, William, W. (Draftsman)

1953-04-02 1953-07-14

Baltimore Garden Apartments

Click to select: Auszug des Kontos des Herrn Marcel Breuer

Kühnemann, E. (Author) Tolksdorf, B. (Author) Patentanwälte B. Tolksdorf, Dipl.-Ing. E. Kühnemann (Author)

Breuer, Marcel (Recipient)




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