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name: "Marcel Breuer and Associates, 635 Madison Ave. New York"   object type: "Project Records"   
Results: 1669
of 84
Click to select: Memorandum

Marcel Breuer and Associates, 635 Madison Ave. New York (Author) Hayes, Thomas (Author)

Beckhard, Herbert (Recipient)


Project Records

Esalen Staff House

Click to select: Memorandum

Yu, Jane (Author) Marcel Breuer and Associates, 635 Madison Ave. New York (Author)

Beckhard, Herbert (Recipient)


Project Records

Geller Showroom

Click to select: Memorandum

Yu, Jane (Author) Marcel Breuer and Associates, 635 Madison Ave. New York (Author)

Beckhard, Herbert (Recipient)


Project Records

Geller Showroom

Click to select: Memorandum

Yu, Jane (Author) Marcel Breuer and Associates, 635 Madison Ave. New York (Author)

Beckhard, Herbert (Recipient)


Project Records

Geller Showroom

Click to select: Memorandum

Yu, Jane (Author) Marcel Breuer and Associates, 635 Madison Ave. New York (Author)

Beckhard, Herbert (Recipient)


Project Records

Geller Showroom

Click to select: Memorandum

Yu, Jane (Author) Marcel Breuer and Associates, 635 Madison Ave. New York (Author)

Beckhard, Herbert (Recipient)


Project Records

Geller Showroom

Click to select: Memorandum

Yu, Jane (Author) Marcel Breuer and Associates, 635 Madison Ave. New York (Author)

Beckhard, Herbert (Recipient)


Project Records

Geller Showroom

Click to select: Memorandum

Pospischil, Ernest, P. (Author) Marcel Breuer and Associates, 635 Madison Ave. New York (Author)

Beckhard, Herbert (Recipient)


Project Records

Geller Showroom

Click to select: Memorandum

Yee, George (Author) Marcel Breuer and Associates, 635 Madison Ave. New York (Author)

Beckhard, Herbert (Recipient)


Project Records

Geller Showroom

Geller Showroom

Click to select: Memorandum

Yu, Jane (Author) Marcel Breuer and Associates, 635 Madison Ave. New York (Author)

Beckhard, Herbert (Recipient)


Project Records

Geller Showroom

Click to select: Memorandum

Pospischil, Ernest, P. (Author) Marcel Breuer and Associates, 635 Madison Ave. New York (Author)

Beckhard, Herbert (Recipient)


Project Records

Geller Showroom

Click to select: Memorandum

Pospischil, Ernest, P. (Author) Marcel Breuer and Associates, 635 Madison Ave. New York (Author)

Beckhard, Herbert (Recipient)


Project Records

Geller Showroom

Click to select: Memorandum

Yee, George (Author) Marcel Breuer and Associates, 635 Madison Ave. New York (Author)

Beckhard, Herbert (Recipient)


Project Records

Geller Showroom

Click to select: Memorandum

Yee, George (Author) Marcel Breuer and Associates, 635 Madison Ave. New York (Author)

Beckhard, Herbert (Recipient)


Project Records

Geller Showroom

Click to select: Memorandum

Yee, George (Author) Marcel Breuer and Associates, 635 Madison Ave. New York (Author)

Beckhard, Herbert (Recipient)


Project Records

Geller Showroom

Click to select: Transmittal

Pichler, Albrecht, G. (Author) Marcel Breuer and Associates, 635 Madison Ave. New York (Author)

Pospischil, Ernest (Recipient)


Project Records

IBM Administrative, Laboratory and Manufacturing Facility

Click to select: Transmittal

Briggs, John, S. (Author) Marcel Breuer and Associates, 635 Madison Ave. New York (Author)

Pospischil, Ernest (Recipient)


Project Records

IBM Administrative, Laboratory and Manufacturing Facility

Click to select: Purchase Order 909

Marcel Breuer and Associates, 635 Madison Ave. New York (Author)



Project Records

Starkey House (Alworth House)

Click to select: Mirrors in Rm. 705 (No. SK-8) (photocopy)

Marcel Breuer and Associates, 635 Madison Ave. New York (Architect)


Project Records

Geller Showroom

Click to select: Built-In Banquettes (No. MB-10)

Marcel Breuer and Associates, 635 Madison Ave. New York (Architect)


Project Records

Geller Showroom

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