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Click to select: Aluminum Chairs (AL. drawings)

Marcel Breuer, Architect, Cambridge (Designer) G., P., C. (Draftsman)

1943-12-08 1943-12-28



Click to select: Aluminum Chairs (AL. drawings) (annotated prints)

Marcel Breuer, Architect, Cambridge (Designer) G., P., C. (Draftsman)

1943-12-08 1943-12-28



Click to select: Architectural Construction Set (A0-A44)

R. (Draftsman) S., C. (Draftsman) B. (Draftsman) S., K. (Draftsman) C., N. (Draftsman) C., H., D. (Draftsman) S., I. (Draftsman) B., K. (Draftsman) P., E. (Draftsman) C., T., T. (Draftsman) P., A. (Draftsman) Weidlinger, Paul (Engineer) P., R. (Draftsman) O., R. (Draftsman) H., C., M. (Draftsman) B., M. (Draftsman) C., N., D. (Draftsman) B., R. (Draftsman) B., W. (Draftsman) Jorge (Draftsman) R., J. (Draftsman) J., B. (Draftsman) NWH Associates Inc. (Engineer) Marcel Breuer and Associates, 635 Madison Ave. New York (Architect)

1969-01-31 1969-11-11

Cleveland Trust Company, Headquarters

Click to select: Bid Set: Architectural and Structural

Greenleaf Associates, Inc. (Engineer) Severud-Perrone-Sturm-Conlin-Bandel (Engineer) Marcel Breuer and Associates, 635 Madison Ave. New York (Architect) O., N. (Draftsman) T., P., F. (Draftsman) M., J. (Draftsman)

1966-09-22 1968-11-01


University of Massachusetts, Murray Lincoln Campus Center and Garage

Click to select: Boring Proposed Community Hall (Dwg. No. B1)

Marcel Breuer and Associates, 201 E. 57th St. (Architect) Sweeney and Gray Co. Inc (Engineer) P., S. (Draftsman)



New York University, Technology I

Click to select: Canteen Building - Section and Details (No. SK-28)

Marcel Breuer and Associates, 201 E. 57th St. (Architect) P., S. (Draftsman)

1957-12-12 1958-02-


Van Leer Office Building

Click to select: Caulking of Precast Granite-Concrete


Project Records

Cleveland Museum of Art, Education Wing

Click to select: Caulking of Precast Granite-Concrete


Project Records

Cleveland Museum of Art, Education Wing

Click to select: Caulking of Precast Granite-Concrete


Project Records

Cleveland Museum of Art, Education Wing

Click to select: Centro Civico el Recreo Torre y Almacenes -Sanitarios Tipicos y Ductos - Detalles

P., A., S. (Draftsman) Ingenieria Nacional C. A. (Engineer)



El Recreo Urban Center

Click to select: Completed Tentative Sketches (Nos. 21-101 to 21-141)

R., N. (Draftsman) R., S., T. (Draftsman) P., R. (Draftsman) V., S. (Draftsman) T., M. (Draftsman) L., M. (Draftsman)



Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Headquarters

Click to select: Construction Set

Marcel Breuer and Associates, 201 E. 57th St. (Architect) C., R. (Draftsman) S., P., A. (Draftsman)



Kacmarcik House

Click to select: Construction Set

Marcel Breuer and Associates, 201 E. 57th St. (Architect) F., J. (Draftsman) Beckhard, Herbert (Draftsman) P., S. (Draftsman) S., F. (Draftsman) H., R. (Draftsman)

1957-04-24 1958-04-17


Krieger House

Click to select: Construction Set

Marcel Breuer and Associates, 635 Madison Ave. New York (Architect) Weidlinger Associates (Engineer) L., T. (Draftsman) H., T. (Draftsman) G., H. (Draftsman) M., N. (Draftsman) P., E. (Draftsman)

1973-06-01 1973-10-18


Southern New England Telephone Company, Traffic Service Position Systems Building

Click to select: Construction Set (1 Nov 1966): Electrical (Nos. E1-E35)

Farkas and Barron (Engineer) Joseph R. Loring and Associates (Engineer) Marcel Breuer and Associates, 635 Madison Ave. New York (Architect) V., E., L. (Draftsman) S., P. (Draftsman) P., F. (Draftsman) D., T. (Draftsman)



New York University, Technology II

Click to select: Construction set (9 Feb 1959): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A1-A21; incomplete)

Marcel Breuer and Associates, 201 E. 57th St. (Architect) Farkas and Barron (Engineer) Jaros, Baum and Bolles (Engineer) P., S. (Draftsman)



New York University, Technology I

Click to select: Construction Set: Architectural

Basler and Hofmann (Engineer) Marcel Breuer and Associates, 635 Madison Ave. New York (Architect) G., M. (Draftsman) G., P. (Draftsman) B., D. (Draftsman) Jordi, Beat, A. H. (Associated architect) A., L. (Draftsman)

1976-02-26 1976-09-24


Convent of the Sisters of Divine Providence, Infirmary

Click to select: Construction Set: Architectural

C., K. (Draftsman) C., N. (Draftsman) C., T. (Draftsman) F., D. (Draftsman) B., E. (Draftsman) Weidlinger, Paul (Engineer) L., P., A. (Draftsman) V., D. (Draftsman) Y., J. (Draftsman) G., S. (Draftsman) W., A. (Draftsman) H. J. Ross Assoc., Inc. (Engineer) Marcel Breuer and Associates, 635 Madison Ave. New York (Architect)



Interama, Miami International Airport

Click to select: Construction Set: Architectural

Farkas, Barron and Partners (Engineer) Marcel Breuer and Associates, 635 Madison Ave. New York (Architect) Joseph R. Loring and Assoc., Inc. (Engineer) Y., O. (Draftsman) P., E. (Draftsman) A., J. (Draftsman) S., E. (Draftsman) Z., H., A. (Draftsman) G., J. (Draftsman) G., B. (Draftsman) V., F, (Draftsman) S., G. (Draftsman) L., F. (Draftsman) J., D. (Draftsman) B., J. (Draftsman)



West Queens High School

Click to select: Construction Set: Architectural

A., H. (Draftsman) F., P., J. (Draftsman) Marcel Breuer and Associates, 201 E. 57th St. (Architect)


Project Records

St. Luke's Church

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