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The contents of the Marcel Breuer Digital Archive are made publicly available by the contributing project partners’ repositories for use in education, scholarship, research, teaching, and private study. The written permission of the copyright owners or other rights holders (such as publicity or privacy rights) may be required for distribution, reproduction, or other use of protected items beyond that allowed by fair use or other statutory exemptions.
The nature of historical archival and manuscript collections often makes it difficult to determine the copyright status of an item. Syracuse University does not hold the copyright for many of the materials made available here. While the Digital Library makes every effort to advise users on the known rights status of materials through the standard, the user(s) of these materials is ultimately and solely responsible for determining the copyright status of any digital objects they may wish to use, investigating the owner of the copyright and obtaining permission for any intended use, or determining the applicability of any statutory exemptions.
Each object record indicates the original repository at the bottom of the “Object Details”
Syracuse University is eager to hear from any copyright owners who believe the website has not properly attributed their work or has used it without authorization. Please contact the Syracuse University Digital Library at with any copyright questions or concerns about content published on the site.
Reproductions, Permissions and Copyright
The contents of the Marcel Breuer Digital Archive are made publicly available by the contributing project partners’ repositories for use in education, scholarship, research, teaching, and private study. The written permission of the copyright owners or other rights holders (such as publicity or privacy rights) may be required for distribution, reproduction, or other use of protected items beyond that allowed by fair use or other statutory exemptions.
The nature of historical archival and manuscript collections often makes it difficult to determine the copyright status of an item. Syracuse University does not hold the copyright for many of the materials made available here. While the Digital Library makes every effort to advise users on the known rights status of materials through the standard, the user(s) of these materials is ultimately and solely responsible for determining the copyright status of any digital objects they may wish to use, investigating the owner of the copyright and obtaining permission for any intended use, or determining the applicability of any statutory exemptions.
Each object record indicates the original repository at the bottom of the “Object Details”
Syracuse University is eager to hear from any copyright owners who believe the website has not properly attributed their work or has used it without authorization. Please contact the Syracuse University Digital Library at with any copyright questions or concerns about content published on the site.