Jewish Hospital for 220 Beds, Competition

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Zagreb Yugoslavia


Jewish Hospital for 220 Beds, Competition

Scheme with Offset Levels and Projecting Block: Charcoal Perspective (drawing)

Drawings   3  browse all »

Beitrag ""hallelulja"" zum Krankenhaus-Wettbewerb Zagreb, Blatt 1
Beitrag ""hallelulja"" zum Krankenhaus-Wettbewerb Zagreb, Blatt 2
Beitrag ""hallelulja"" zum Krankenhaus-Wettbewerb Zagreb, Blatt 3

In 1930, Breuer and his assistant, Gustav Hassenpflug, entered a competition to design a hospital complex for Zagreb, Yugoslavia. The two men employed a stepped form similar to the design for the Hospital for 1,100 Beds in Elberfeld. The building consisted of a two volumes. One was a long, three-story stepped structure lined with windows and containing administrative offices, laboratories, and the director's apartment, along with rooms for patients and nurses on the upper floors. An exterior cantilevered staircase provided access to a roof garden. Breuer oriented the other, much smaller, volume perpendicular to the main body of the hospital and raised it on pilotis. It contained operating rooms and more rooms for nurses.