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name: "Marcel Breuer and Associates, 635 Madison Ave. New York"   drawing type: "Working/Construction Drawing"   
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Click to select: SK Drawing Set

Marcel Breuer and Associates, 635 Madison Ave. New York (Architect)

1979-03-08 1980-02-04


Atlanta Central Public Library

Click to select: SK Drawing Set

Marcel Breuer and Associates, 635 Madison Ave. New York (Architect)

1968-10- 1970-09-


University of Massachusetts, Murray Lincoln Campus Center and Garage

Click to select: Construction Set: Architectural

Marcel Breuer and Associates, 635 Madison Ave. New York (Architect) L., T. (Draftsman) H., T. (Draftsman) Weidlinger, Paul (Engineer) B., M. (Draftsman) W., A. (Draftsman) Joseph R. Loring and Assoc., Inc. (Engineer)



Grand Coulee Dam, Columbia Basin Project, Visitor Arrival Center

Click to select: Building 5 - Construction Set: Architectural

Marcel Breuer and Associates, 635 Madison Ave. New York (Architect) Farkas, Barron and Partners (Engineer) Joseph R. Loring and Assoc., Inc. (Engineer) E., G., T. (Draftsman) V., K. (Draftsman) G., S. (Draftsman)

1972-07-14 1974-08-15


Campus High School

Click to select: Building 1 - Construction Set: Architectural

Marcel Breuer and Associates, 635 Madison Ave. New York (Architect) Farkas, Barron and Partners (Engineer) Joseph R. Loring and Assoc., Inc. (Engineer) J., O. (Draftsman) C., T., T. (Draftsman) V., N. (Draftsman) Z., H., A. (Draftsman) V., K. (Draftsman) B., M. (Draftsman)



Campus High School

Click to select: SK Architectural Set ( SK-A-1 - SK-A-19)

B., E., M. (Draftsman) W., C. (Draftsman) R., S., T. (Draftsman) Marcel Breuer and Associates, 635 Madison Ave. New York (Architect) Marcel Breuer and Associates, 201 E. 57th St. (Architect)

1965-06-02 1966-03-


Saint John's Science Building

Click to select: Structural Set

Marcel Breuer and Associates, 635 Madison Ave. New York (Architect) S., R. (Draftsman) C., M. (Draftsman)

1967-10-26 1968-10-25


Geller House II

Click to select: Building I - Construction Set: Structural

Weidlinger, Paul (Engineer) Joseph R. Loring and Assoc., Inc. (Engineer) Marcel Breuer and Associates, 635 Madison Ave. New York (Architect)



State School for the Mentally Retarded

Click to select: Construction Set: Mechanical and Electrical (Dwg. Nos. ME1, E2-E9, M2-M11)

Marcel Breuer and Associates, 635 Madison Ave. New York (Architect) Gausman and Moore, Inc. (Engineer) Johnston Sahlman Co. (Engineer) W., D., F. (Draftsman) S., G., R. (Draftsman) K., H. (Draftsman) P., J., K. (Draftsman) R., C., L. (Draftsman) P., A. (Draftsman) K., A. (Draftsman)



Saint John's Residence Hall II

Click to select: Preliminary Construction Set: Structural (Nos. S1-S15)

Marcel Breuer and Associates, 635 Madison Ave. New York (Architect) J. R. Loring and Associates (Engineer) Farkas and Barron (Engineer) G., M. (Draftsman)



New York University, Technology II

Click to select: Executive Suites and Conference Room: Architectural (Nos. 11-A-1 to 11-A-11)

Marcel Breuer and Associates, 635 Madison Ave. New York (Architect) Nolen-Swinburne and Associates (Architect) Haz (Draftsman)



Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Headquarters

Click to select: Construction Set: Structural

H. J. Ross Assoc., Inc. (Engineer) A., M. (Draftsman) M., N. (Draftsman) Weidlinger, Paul (Engineer) B., V. (Draftsman) K., P. (Draftsman) Marcel Breuer and Associates, 635 Madison Ave. New York (Architect)



Interama, Miami International Airport

Click to select: Construction set: Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A1-A11)

K., S., S. (Draftsman) G., R., F. (Draftsman) V., D. (Draftsman) Johnston Sahlman Co. (Engineer) Gausman and Moore, Inc. (Engineer) Marcel Breuer and Associates, 635 Madison Ave. New York (Architect)

1967-05-01 1967-07-01


Saint John's Institute for Ecumenical and Cultural Research

Click to select: Working Drawings: Architectural (A3x-A16, A16x)

Farkas and Barron (Engineer) J. R. Loring and Associates (Engineer) Marcel Breuer and Associates, 635 Madison Ave. New York (Architect) W., H. (Draftsman) B., W. (Draftsman) V., A., E. (Draftsman) F., D. (Draftsman) G., R. (Draftsman) G., R., J. (Draftsman)

1966-05-19 1966-09-12


New York University, Technology II

Click to select: Construction Set: Structural (Dwg. Nos. S1-S21)

Marcel Breuer and Associates, 635 Madison Ave. New York (Architect) J. R. Loring and Associates (Engineer) Farkas and Barron (Engineer) K., A. (Draftsman) G., E. (Draftsman) F., E. (Draftsman) G., M. (Draftsman) K., R., B. (Draftsman)



New York University, Technology II

Click to select: Building IV - Construction Set: Architectural

Peter G. Rolland and Associates (Landscape architect) Joseph R. Loring and Assoc., Inc. (Engineer) G., J. (Draftsman) Y., O. (Draftsman) G., B. (Draftsman) V., F, (Draftsman) O., E. (Draftsman) B., M. (Draftsman) Weidlinger, Paul (Engineer) R., N. (Draftsman) S., R. (Draftsman) C., N. (Draftsman) A., J. (Draftsman) S., E. (Draftsman) S., V. (Draftsman) Marcel Breuer and Associates, 635 Madison Ave. New York (Architect)



State School for the Mentally Retarded

Click to select: Construction Set

Marcel Breuer and Associates, 635 Madison Ave. New York (Architect)

1976-12-29 1977-08-25


Heckscher Museum, Expansion

Click to select: SK Drawing Set (annotated prints)

Marcel Breuer and Associates, 635 Madison Ave. New York (Architect)

1967-03-28 1967-04-10


Kent School, Girls' Chapel

Click to select: Engineering Drawings

Marcel Breuer and Associates, 635 Madison Ave. New York (Architect) Westcott and Mapes, Inc. (Engineer)

1962-12-12 1966-02-15


Torin Corporation, Administration Center

Click to select: Construction Set

Z., H., A. (Draftsman) Marcel Breuer and Associates, 635 Madison Ave. New York (Architect)



Picker House

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