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name: "M., A"   project: "Saint John's Church and Campanile"    location: "Collegeville, MN USA"   
Results: 22
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Click to select: Construction Set: Architectural (annotated prints)

Traynor and Hermanson (Associated architect) Gausman and Moore, Inc. (Engineer) Wiesenfeld, Hayward and Leon (Engineer) Marcel Breuer and Associates, 201 E. 57th St. (Architect) Michelson, Valerius (Draftsman) M., P., V. (Draftsman) Cunningham, Allen (Draftsman) Sedlis, Gabriel (Draftsman) P., S. (Draftsman) Neski, Julian (Draftsman) C., G., A. (Draftsman) C., T., F. (Draftsman)



Saint John's Church and Campanile

Click to select: Construction Set: Architectural

Marcel Breuer and Associates, 201 E. 57th St. (Architect) Traynor and Hermanson (Associated architect) Gausman and Moore, Inc. (Engineer) Wiesenfeld, Hayward and Leon (Engineer) Gatje, Robert, F. (Draftsman) Michelson, Valerius (Draftsman) M., P., V. (Draftsman) Cunningham, Allen (Draftsman) Sedlis, Gabriel (Draftsman) P., S. (Draftsman) Neski, Julian (Draftsman) C., G., A. (Draftsman) C., T., F. (Draftsman)



Saint John's Church and Campanile

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